File Formats

Generic file format

The Assembler can generate three different output file formats: The formats of the latter two are assumed known. The Generic file format is a simple, self defined format, where each line has the following format:
Where ADR is a 6 digit (24 bit) hexadecimal number and OPCODE is a 4 digit (16 bit) hexadecimal number. ADR defines an address in the Program memory, and OPCODE defines the contents of this address.


Given the following assembly file gen_demo.asm:
; Demonstration of the Generic file format
        mov r0,r1
        inc r1
        call oursub
.org 0x50                 ; Set Program space
                          ; address to 50 (Hex)
oursub: add r1,r2         ; Do something
Then the following output file gen_demo.rom will be produced:
Note that the two-word instructions (CALL and JMP) need two lines of coding.

Object file format

The object (.obj) file produced by the Assembler is also represented in a self defined format. The object file contains some limited debug information, and can be used together with AVR Studio

The object file has a header section, a record section and a trailer section. The header section has the following format:

The records are currently 9 bytes long. Each record has the following format: Finally, the trailer section has the following format:


Given the following assembly file obj_demo.asm:
; Demonstration of the Object file format (obj_demo.asm)
.equ const1=0x15
.equ const2=0x40
.macro SWIN               ; SWIN - swap and increment
        swap @0
        inc @0
.endmacro                 ; End macro
start:  ldi r16,const1
        SWIN r16          ; Call macro
        ldi r16,const2
        SWIN r16          ; Call macro
        rjmp start
.include "delay.asm"      ; Include another assembly file delay.asm

; Include file, demonstration of the Object file format
; (delay.asm)
delay:  dec r16           ; Decrement counter
        breq delay        ; If not zero branch to delay
        ret               ; Return from subroutine

Then the following output file obj_demo.obj would be produced (the file is a binary file which has been converted into hexadecimal representation, the offset column and the line shifts are manually inserted for reasons of clarity):
Offset:         File contents:                        Comment:
00000000:       00000074                              Offset to file names
00000004:       0000001A                              Offset to records
00000008:       09                                    #Bytes/record
00000009:       02                                    #File names
0000000A:       415652204F626A6563742046696C6500      AOF string
0000001A:       000000E10500000B00                    First record
00000023:       000001950200000C01
0000002C:       000002950300000C01
00000035:       000003E40000000D00
0000003E:       000004950200000E01
00000047:       000005950300000E01
00000050:       000006CFF900000F00
00000059:       000007950A01000400
00000062:       000008F3F101000500
0000006B:       000009950801000600                    Last record
00000074:       4F424A5F44454D4F2E41534D00            “OBJ_DEMO.ASM\0”
00000081:       44454C41592E41534D00                  “DELAY.ASM\0”
0000008B:       00                                    End of object file