Dr. C. Foudas

Imperial College-Physics Department

Fall term 2002:

3d Year Lab Microprocessor Course Schedule

1st Week




Goals of the Lecture

Friday Morning


Lecture 1


Introduction to Microprocessors:

Lecture 2a

To inform the students about the course. Students should get used with the computer (login in/out) and the web page of the course.


Introduction/Review of digital electronics.

Introduction to binary, hex notation and

2’s complement arithmetic. Learn how does the computer performs arithmetic operations and how does it store numbers in the memory. Description of the ALU and the Flags. Elementary circuits that store bits are discussed. Circuits that add and multiply are also discussed.

Monday Morning


Language (I):

Lecture 2b

Introduction to the ATMEL

Atmega103 processor architecture and the ATMEL STK300+ programming board. The students learn the first Assembly commands and write a simple I/O program that turns on/off the LEDs of PORTB. Next they write a program the adds two numbers and outputs the result on PORTB LEDs. Finally they program the Atmega103 as a counter and see the results with the scope.

Monday Afternoon

The AVR Studio


Lecture 2b


The students are taught the STUDIO AVR simulator and thye learn to run programs and debug them using it. The are also give a demonstration on the use of the stack and the stack-pointer.




Language (II) Lecture 3

The Mega103 Status Register, Branch Commands, Subroutines, SRAM I/O. The students write subroutines that delay the 8 bit counter they made in the previous lecture so they can see the results using the board LEDs. Learning about, Tables, Program memory I/O, and Pointers. At the end the students write a program that displays patterns on the programming board LEDs using a table and pointers. Demonstration using Studio of subroutine calling and the stack operation using it.


                                                            Dr. C. Foudas


Imperial College-Physics Department

Fall term 2002:

3d Year Lab Microprocessor Course Schedule


2nd  Week




Goals of the Lecture

Friday Morning

3 Byte Memory

Lecture 4

Computer Bus, Tri-state logic, Address Decoding, and Write Strobes. The students construct a slave which has 3x 1-Byte registers driven by the Atmega103 Port A and C (Master). The 74HC138, and 74HC574 ICs are used along with various logic gates At the end the Students are requested to write assembly programs that test their logic by looping data through.



No Lecture:

Project work

on the 3byte memory.

During this session the students learn to make electronics schematics, use the scopes and in general construct and trouble-shoot an electronics design.

Monday Afternoon

No Lecture:

Project work

on the 3byte memory.



Serial versus parallel data transfers.

Lecture 4a

The concepts of serial and parallel data transfers are described. The students learn the operational principles of a shift register. At the end they construct a device that converts from parallel data to serial and back to parallel using the 74HC164 and 74HC165 shift registers.



                                                            Dr. C. Foudas


Imperial College-Physics Department

Fall term 2002:

3d Year Lab Microprocessor Course Schedule


3th Week






Goals of the Lecture


No Lecture:  Project work on the Serial vs. Parallel data project.



Device Drivers – LCD Display

Lecture 5

The students Learn about

Device Drivers and they are given the software (Initialization, clearing, writing routines) to operate an LCD display. At the and they are asked to write

A simple user interface using the Atmega103 PORTD switches and the LCD display module.



Analog to Digital Converters.

Lecture 8

The 8 channel on board ADC and its operation is introduced. A sample program is downloaded from the course web site.

The students are asked to make a digital voltmeter.


Diodes Transistors and Applications

Lecture 6

 This Lecture is a review

of the diodes and transistors and their uses in analog and digital electronics. At the end the students construct AND, OR, NOR, NOT gates using transistors.   




                                                            Dr. C. Foudas


Imperial College-Physics Department

Fall term 2002:

3d Year Lab Microprocessor Course Schedule


4th Week




Goals of the Lecture


The 4x4 Keyboard

Lecture 7

The 4x4 keyboard is introduced and they students start writing a device driver for it. The Keyboard and the LCD display will be used later for their project which involved making a programmable signal generator.


No Lecture:  Project work on the Key Board


Monday Afternoon

No Lecture:  Project work on the Key Board



Timers/Counters and

Interrupts on Atmega103

Lecture 10

An introduction to interrupts counters and timers on the Atmega103.

An example program which

Uses the Timer0 to cause interrupts is downloaded from the course web site.


Digital to Analog Converters and Operational Amplifiers

Lecture 9

The theory of Operational

Amplifiers and Digital to

Analog converters is reviewed. The students

Make an DAC controlled from the Atmega103. They

Will use this later for their
